Sunday, February 7, 2010

Screw Shoes

Posted by Tom

When Jenna and I start the trail there is likely to be considerable snow (enough though this is a low snow year, at least in Washington). This poses two significant challenges: 1) Navigation (the trail will be covered in snow; 2) Traction. I will focus on the later today.

Jenna recently recieved a pair of MICROspikes, which essentially are a minaturized version of crampons. I would love a pair of these, but they are soooooo expensive ($60), so I am looking for alterantives.

The solution? Drilling screws into my shoes. I just signed up for a PCT email list and this link has been passed around a lot. Small sheet metal screws can be drilled into a boot with a thick enough heal (if you have a mid to heavy weight boot, this should not be a problem). A real cheap solution, although I doubt it will have the same grip as the MICROspikes.

1 comment:

  1. thomas- $60 is not soooo expensive (especially compared to the $150 dehydrator you just purchased). please no screws in your shoes.
    love jenna.
